updated May 4, 2010

Art Business Computers Foreign Language Language Arts Math Music

Phys. Ed/Health Science Social Studies Voc. Agriculture Work & Family Life

Language Arts

1 credit
Grade 9

English 9 introduces several literary genres and requires written and oral responses to various literary forms. Students will be directed toward connecting themes in literature to real life experiences. Many literary terms are introduced also. The focus for writing is to refine the writing process, specifically organization. Narrative, expository, persuasive and descriptive writing skills all are practiced. A portion of each class will be devoted to language skills such as sentence structure, proper usage, and correct punctuation. Some time will be spent on vocabulary development. Students will also work on listening and viewing and on improving oral communication skills. Several oral presentations are required. In addition to periodic assessment, students must complete a final exam and compile their own writing portfolio.

1 credit
Grade 10
Prerequisite: English 9

This course will provide opportunities for both written and oral study of and responses to various literary genres and forms. Students will study literature, grammar, vocabulary, and composition throughout the semester. Readings for the course will include novels, short stories, poetry and non-fiction works. Composition will continue to focus on the writing process, especially in the areas of descriptive, narrative, expository and persuasive writings. An extensive vocabulary study will be emphasized along with grammar, usage, and mechanics skills. Students will be expected to purchase some materials for the course.

1 credit
Grade 11
Prerequisite: Language Arts 9 & 10

This course is developed around essential questions and themes posed by writers of various periods of American history. Students will read various short stories, essays, poems, and at least one novel and respond to these in writing. Research and oral presentations will also be required. A portion of each class will be devoted to language skills and student writing. A writing portfolio will substitute for a final exam.

1 credit
Grade 12 Prerequisite: Language Arts 9, 10, & 11

This course is developed around essential questions and themes posed by British writers. Students will read various types of British literature including a Shakespearean play and one modern novel. Language skills and collaborative learning will be a major part of the course. A research paper is required, as well as a writing portfolio. Students must demonstrate basic writing skills in the writing, proofreading, revision.

1201LIBRARY Science
˝ credit
Grades 9-12

Library science is the study of the use, administration, operation, and care of the library. The use of the online public access catalog, Dewey Decimal System, Reader's Guide, reference books, and technology for information retrieval are topics covered.

Social Studies

˝ credit
Grades 9-12

The objectives of this class are to enable the student to analyze, understand, and interpret current events, to instill a knowledge of geographic locations of where these events are happening locally, nationally and world-wide.

1 credit
Grade 9

This course covers prehistory to 1800 with emphasis placed on the Egyptian, Middle Eastern, Greek, Roman and European contributions to civilization. The last part of the course will cover the foundation of the American Colonies and their growth toward independence and the Revolutionary War which created the United States of America.

1 credit
Grade 10

This course covers 1880 to present day . The growth of the United States by purchases of land and results of wars will be covered. The course will also explore how the U.S. fits into the world picture as a major military and economic power and the cultural diversity found within the United States.

1 credit
Grade 11

This course is an integrated history, government, economics, geography, and sociology class that focuses on the performance objectives of the 12th grade Citizenship Proficiency Test. This course will emphasize American government and economic systems. Students are required to complete a research paper and selected assignments by the instructor.

˝ credit
Grades 10-12

Psychology is the study of human behavior and mental processes and how the personality is formed and relates to the individual’s social development. The course examines psychological theories of learning, physical and emotional development, health and adjustment, psychology methods, and social interaction.

˝ credit
Grades 10-12

This elective is for students to gain an understanding of culture and society. All aspects of culture and society are examined with special emphasis on education, family, deviance, and social inqualities.

˝ credit
Grades 10-12

This elective is for students who wish to be able to analyze economic concepts and influences in today’s world. The course incorporates the theoretical aspects and influences in the market economy, money and banking, labor and management issues, government revenues and expenditures, investments and the stock market. The course content includes both micro and macro influences on national and world economics.


1 credit
Grades 9-10
Prerequisite: Average of 80% or higher in 8th grade math.

This course is the foundation for Geometry and Algebra II, Pre-Calculus, and Calculus. Emphasis is on solving equations, factoring, and graphing which will be used in all subsequent math classes as well as the Oho Graduation Test

1 credit
Grades 10-12
Prerequisite: Algebra I

This course is a study of the properties of the basic figures with an emphasis on areas and volume, right triangles, similar and congruent figures, logical reasoning and problem solving. Various types of proofs will be explored as well as geometric constructions.

1 credit
Grades 10-12
Prerequisite: Algebra I

This course advances the study of Algebra and should be taken by all students preparing to go to college. Topics covered include solving and graphing systems of equations, inequalities and quadratic equations, operations with polynomials, irrational and complex numbers, as well as some topics of pre-calculus.

1 credit
Grade 12
Prerequisites: 85% or higher average in Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry

A study of polynomial functions, and solving various types of equations as well as trigonometric functions. Emphasis will be on roots of polynomials, logarithmic applications, conics, analytic geometry, solving triangles, and solving trigonometric equations.

1 credit
Grade 12
Prerequisite: Algebra I and Algebra II

This course provides a review of the algebra previously studied but emphasizes guided discovery, making connections, and the visual aspect of math; all with the aid of the graphing calculator. The class covers introductions to most pre-calculus topics.

1 credit
Grade 12
Prerequisite: Trig/Pre-Calculus

This is a course of basic calculus. The topics of limits, derivatives, and integrals will be studied with applications. Graphic calculators will be used regularly.

SO118M - Intermediate College Algebra
SO124M - Finite College Math
SO141M - College Algebra
1 credit - all year class
Grades 11-12

This course allows students to take a college course right here in our building. Both high school and college credit will be earned upon completion of this class.
See descriptions at http://www.sscc.edu/academics/course_desc/math.htm


1 credit
Grade 9
* Required for all Freshman

This is a solid physics course that is activity based. Students will learn solid content through hands-on exploration of topics related to communication, home, predictions, and sports.This course covers the laws of force, motion, gravity, heat, light, simple machines, electricity, chemistry, and a brief study of the Earth ages and its place in the universe.

1 credit
Grade 10
* Required for all Sophomores

This course includes a study of living things and life. The course will deal with the continuity of life, units dealing with cytology, human biology, ecology, and genetics. The course will emphasize preparation for college work.

1 credit
Grades 11-12
Prerequisite: Physical Science and Biology

Explore the basic rules of science regarding chemical and physical changes. An emphasis will be made to learn how to solve the various basic problems dealing with chemical reactions and solutions. The course will emphasize preparation for college level work.

1 credit
Grade 11-12

This course includes a wide variety of topics and field study in the following areas: forestry, aquatic ecology, wildlife, soils and land management. We also cover environmental issues such as biofuels, introduced species, and natural resource management.

1 credit
Grade 12
Prerequisite: Physical Science, Biology, Algebra, and Geometry

Explore the basic rules of science regarding force, motion, heat, light, sound, and electricity. The student will be also learning how to do basic problems in these areas. This course will emphasize on preparations for college-level work.

Physical Education / Health

1 credit
Grades 11-12
Prerequisite: Biology
(This course does not count as a science credit)

An introductory course that includes prevention, evaluation and care of athletic injuries. It is designed to meet the needs of students thinking of entering the field of Sports Medicine, Physical Therapy and Chiropractic medicine. Practical hands-on applications will be emphasized along with learning procedures for evaluating injuries. Taping, wrapping, and rehab techniques will also be emphasized.

˝ credit
Grade 9

The purpose of this course is to provide students with factual information concerning mental, physical, emotional and social aspects of health. Grade nine students are required to schedule health. Course topics include: mental/emotional maturity, personality development, body systems/disorders, nutrition/physical fitness, decision making, tobacco, alcohol, drugs, infections/chronic diseases, health-care system/careers, ecology and safe living, first aid/emergency techniques/ cardiopulmonary resuscitation procedures.

1/4 credit
Grades 9-10

The student will be participating in sports typical of the season and others that are not seasonal, such as softball, ragball, kickball, soccer, volleyball, hockey, basketball, badminton, pickleball, bowling, walking/jogging.


0981ART I
1 credit
Grades 9-12

Students will become familiar with the elements of art and the principles of design. They will experience multiple media in the creation of art projects. Students will also be exposed to the history of art and art criticism as well. This course will provide a broad-based background in art to the inexperienced art student. This class is a prerequisite to all other art courses. Students will be required to purchase some of their own materials.

1081ART II
1 credit
Grades 10-12
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Art I

Students will build on their knowledge of the elements of art and the principles of design. A more extensive timeline of art will be covered. Students will work in the style of many famous artists using many media. The student will start to develop his own style. The student will begin creation of a portfolio. The student will be required to purchase some of their own art supplies and an art portfolio.

1 credit
Grades 11-12
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Art I, II

Students will explore the three theories of aesthetics: functionalism, expressionism and imitationalism. They will experience many different media and art forms. A concentration on the completion of a portfolio will be the result for this class. Students will be required to purchase some art supplies and materials.

1 credit
Grade 12
Prerequisite:Successful completion of Art I, II,& III,

Students will explore the historical, cultural, and social contexts of art. They will create artwork as a creative expression and be able to communicate their personal style through their work. They will establish connections, relationships, and applications in their artwork to college and career possibilities. Students will be required to purchase some art supplies and materials.

Vocational Agriculture

1.25 Credits – No Prerequisite
Grades 9-10

Course Description: This course will teach students how to work in groups and develop their leadership abilities through hands on activities. Students will use the opportunities the FFA provide for growth and build upon their interpersonal skills. Students will use the animal science unit to promote proper animal husbandry and production to make sound decisions as a producer and consumer. Students will explain and demonstrate the basics in plant production and harvesting in helping make sound decisions as a consumer and producer.

1.25 Credits – Prerequisite: Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources - 0975
Grades 9-10

Course Description: Learners will develop business leadership, problem-solving and communication skills in relation to the science and technology of animals. Students will learn responsible animal management principles and routine husbandry practices in relation to animal welfare and behavior. Learners will identify and describe the anatomy and physiology of monogastric and ruminant organisms as it applies to nutrition, reproduction, and animal health. Learners will investigate animal genetics and how it impacts principles of animal improvement, selection and marketing.

1.25 Credits – Prerequisite: Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources - 0975
Grades 9-10

Course Description: This course focuses on skills and technologies essential for agricultural and/or horticultural crop production. Cultural and sustainable production practices will be examined. Students will apply scientific knowledge of plant development, nutrition, and growth regulation. Environmental aspects of irrigation, chemical application and soil conservation will be evaluated. The course will also include equipment and precision technologies used in the industry. Projects and activities will enable students to develop communication, leadership, and business management skills.

1.25 Credits – Prerequisite: Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources - 0975
Grades 9-10

Course Description: Learners will study relationships between organisms and their environment. Principles of biogeochemical cycles, air-water-land relationships, non-point pollution, and wetlands will be applied. Learners will examine economic fundamentals of resource development, agriculture sustainability, energy needs and pollution control. Learners will analyze and interpret data gathered from ecosystems, population studies, forest management practices, pesticide use, land use and waste management. Learners will develop responses to environmental problems and develop management strategies for responsible conservation and resource development.

1.0 Credits – No Prerequisite
Grades 9-10

Course Description: Students will use communication and leadership skills to become effective leaders. Students will learn how to conduct research and present their results using different forms of multi-media. Students will use parliamentary procedure and interpersonal skills to run a meeting. Students will learn the importance of team building and how ones actions can affect the whole group. Students will promote diversity in their leadership skills and foster positive working relationships among their peers.


˝ credit
Grades 9 & 10

In this course students are taught to touch type in order to acquire the skill needed for personal typewriting and/or for further training in advanced keyboarding and/or computer courses. The course includes keyboarding, formatting, language skills application, and error detection/correction.

˝ credit
Grades 9-12
Prerequisite: Keyboarding

This course enhances student ability in keyboarding, with a major emphasis on speed building and producing error-free documents. Students will complete advanced documents, including tables/charts, employment documents, etc.

˝ credit
Grades 9-10

The purpose of this course is to contribute to improved economic citizenship through a study of business and economic environment in which we all live. Students will learn to be knowledgeable and appreciative of the American business system and its integral role in our total economic society, to be competent and efficient in managing their own personal business and financial affairs, and to be wise and skillful in selecting and using the goods and services of business.

˝ credit
Grades 11-12 except for those Sophomores going Post-Secondary
* Required for all students

This course uses a wide variety of topics in the areas of business, economics, business law, business education, social studies. This course should help the student master basic financial and economic concepts needed for survival in a progressive and highly competitive society.

Computer Science

1 credit
Grade 9-12
Prerequisite: Keyboarding

This course is intended to provide the student with very basic proficiency in the use of a networked computer system both in the physical and logical aspects. Students will learn how to properly use a computer system to run various programs and will become proficient in the essential skills needed to create, save, retrieve, edit, and print word processing documents and spreadsheets. The use of software to design and creation multimedia presentations will be introduced. Skill at finding and using relevant information from the Internet will be developed. Students will also develop a general awareness of the primary hardware components, basic types of software, networked systems, the Internet, societal and economic implications, and career options related to computers. Students will be introduced to both the DOS and Windows interfaces.

1 credit
Grade 10-12
Prerequisite: Computer I

in this class, students will develop advanced skills in using standard office applications Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, and Powerpoint. Students will learn to use image editing software to create and edit photos as well as line art. Students will learn to use HTML to create web pages as students work in collaboration to develop and maintain the PHS web site. Skills and techniques for troubleshooting, upgrading, and maintaining computers will be developed. Societal and ethical aspects of computer use will be further developed.

1 credit
Grade (10-12)
Prerequisite: Computer I

This course will instruct students in the use of the BASIC language to create computer programs. Students will learn the syntax of the language, steps in program development, data and control structures, algorithms, and methods for testing and debugging code. Use of Visual BASIC to create Windows applications will be developed. The course is intended to enhance the students' understanding of how computers work, problem solving skills and introduce them to the art of programming.
Above average math skills are highly recommended.

Foreign Language

1 credit
Grade 9

An introductory course in the Spanish language and culture. Listening, speaking, reading and writing are basis of course.

1 credit
Grade 10
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Spanish I

This is a continuation of Spanish I with emphasis on the four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.

1 credit
Grades 11-12
Prerequisites: Spanish I & II

This is a continuation of Spanish II; strong emphasis on spoken Spanish.

Music Department

˝ credit per semester
Grades 9-12
Prerequisite: Ability to play a wind or percussion instrument.

Band is a two-semester sequential course for students to improve their skills in wind or percussion instruments. Fall will be marching band oriented with winter and spring reserved for concert band. Students will have the opportunity to participate in solo contests, marching band contests, concert band contests, and several community performances. Students should plan to enroll in band for all year.

˝ credit per semester
Grades 9-12
Prerequisite: Audition

Group preparation and singing of music from all musical periods and styles for various clinics, competitions and performances.

˝ Credit per semester
Grades 9-12

Preparation for acting and the school play or musical

˝ credit
Grade 12 except for those students attending PSEO

Topics covered in this course include: skills needed for post-secondary education; testing, GPA, rank, and solid curriculum; career passport; college process; searching for a college and a major; career information; and scholarships and financial aid. Guest speakers and interest inventories will aid the students in exploring their options after high school. Students will be required to apply to college, take the ACT, file a FAFSA, attend the local college fairs and complete a career passport.

1108Junior Seminar
˝ credit
Grade 11 except for those attending PSEO

Topics covered in this course include: skills needed for post-secondary education; testing, GPA, rank, and solid curriculum; career passport; college process; searching for a college and a major; career information; and scholarships and financial aid. Guest speakers and interest inventories will aid the students in exploring their options after high school. Students will be required to apply to college, take the ACT, file a FAFSA, attend the local college fairs and complete a career passport.

This page was updated
October 25, 2011